Thursday, October 22, 2009

These are my small creations....

Monday, October 12, 2009

IE su..ks...

'On the surface, the campaign against IE may seem like a cult of disgruntled techies who are angry at Microsoft or want to gripe about people who lag behind the technological curve.

But that analysis is too simplistic, said Dan Oliver, editor of .net, a UK magazine about Web design.

"This isn't an anti-Microsoft campaign," he said. "Microsoft makes some fantastic products. The latest version of their browser is a good browser. But with regards to IE ... [it] is an awful browser and no one should be using it."

He added: "Ultimately, we've kind of waited long enough. That's why there's a big movement of support for it because the geeks out there have known about this for years and have been waiting for big sites to jump on and push it forward."

In a statement to CNN, Microsoft said it also wants people to turn away from IE.'

I completely disagree with the "The latest version of their browser is a good browser." statement, but the point that people should use it over IE definitely still stands.

My opinion is FIREFOX 3.5 is de best VS any other browser...

FIREFOX 3.5 contains all de add-ons which is in all others browsers...